Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The BB Challenge

So I managed to get my Pastrami to work yesterday.  It was delicious.  Here's to a little self congratulation.  Hoorah.  Made a honey ham, cream cheese, muenster cheese, and pineapple sandwich for today.  This was a bit of experimentation on my part which is rare.  I mean rare like a black polar bear in bermuda.  I don't experiment.  For one thing I lack the gastronomical imagination and for another I lack the guts.  My inner gormond is screaming like a little girl, "Oh Lord What If This Tastes Like Offal!"  (High pitched and hands flailing.  Its a terrible thing to subconsce.  Is that a verb?)  But, regardless, I pressed on and it tasted good.  If it hadn't, I figured I could remove each of the ingredients and eat them solo.  I liked them all enough as they were. 

Making a sandwich at 6 in the morning is torture though.  I can barely focus on the fridge handle to get it open much less arrange my thoughts enough to put two pieces of bread together.  It made me just want to bang my head against the counter till lunch was a pile of mush and slide it into the bag with a spatula.  Done.  I'm going to avoid that experience again if at all possible.  Just have to remember it in the morning.  I almost forgot my bag on the counter right after I'd spent ten minutes getting it ready.  I had to go back for my keys and saw it sitting there in all its brown baggish glory.  I'm beginning to think I'm a hopeless case.  Not much else to consider.  Two more days to go. 

FYI.  You few readers who care for my mental state, perhaps you could give me some good, easy, retard proof lunch ideas.  Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. How on earth do you drive in the morning? I'm sort of worried & yet you always get there safe & sound!
