Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On Driving

This is pretty stark data if you follow this link. It will have to be addressed. On a side note I think it’s interesting how we pick on people who drive SUV's. The reality is, the amount of grain needed to fill the tank of a 2002 Dodge Stratus, sporting a 4 banger, a broken bumper, squealing brakes, and a front seat upholstered in Burger King wrappers, with ethanol just once can feed one person for half a year. I guess that's much more justifiable. It’s 20 degrees outside with a foot of snow on the ground. Those poor bastards are just gonna have to starve till it warms up cause I'm driving to work.


  1. I always wondered what you normally eat for lunch. Burger King I guess? Might want to get rid of that incriminating evidence!!

  2. I may have to limit your viewing ability love. Incriminating evidence indeed.

  3. quick make a new blog
    or maybe
    or you could just keep all that incriminating evidence (not that there is any) confined to the pub

  4. The only words of comfort I can offer to those poor starving people.....drill baby drill!
