Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Fifth Sabbath Of January

Two White Goats Forage Among the Weeds in a Field

Two white goats forage among the weeds in a field of grass.
Together they banquet on the bud and leaf and stock of
spurge, thistle, knapweed, nettle, and bindweed along the fence.
A wind kicks up a cloud of seeds from off the riverbank where the cottonwoods grow.
The goats will eat these as well when they've settled.
The white chutes fly far and near, they cannot know where they will go.
The white goats eat, their skin shivering beneath flies,
the sun shining brilliant about them though the day before’d been cold.
The yellow flowers of the leafy spurge sway in the wind also.
The thistle and knapweed bulge with purple blooms.
The white goats eat and the white seeds fly.

1 comment:

  1. Who wrote this? Goats are brilliant. They eat what we don't want. Maybe we need a couple.
